Teaser Parada Par Tucc 2012Teaser video for Parada Par tucc, the final event of a series of completely free workshops that are offered to the city of Como by volunteers, a time of sharing, celebration and growth at the end of a free path that increases knowledge of participants.
Music: Boogich Bulgar by The Freak Fandango Orchestra
The Freak Fandango Orchestra website Parada Par Tucc website
Giugno 2012

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Teaser Parada Par Tucc 2012Teaser video for Parada Par tucc, the final event of a series of completely free workshops that are offered to the city of Como by volunteers, a time of sharing, celebration and growth at the end of a free path that increases knowledge of participants.
Music: Boogich Bulgar by The Freak Fandango Orchestra
The Freak Fandango Orchestra website Parada Par Tucc website
Giugno 2012