Comete ServiceThe ComeTe service was created to offer a personalized response to families looking for a customer care solution, we have achieved this promotional video that summarizes all the key points of the service. The video is presented in a completely two-dimensional style, easily understandable, but it has a special feature, each time a ComeTe assistant come on stage the animation takes softness, depth and more three-dimensional rendering; this graphic expedient allowed us to express how the ComeTe assistance can improve the condition of patients.
ComeTe Website
November 2015

Comete ServiceThe ComeTe service was created to offer a personalized response to families looking for a customer care solution, we have achieved this promotional video that summarizes all the key points of the service. The video is presented in a completely two-dimensional style, easily understandable, but it has a special feature, each time a ComeTe assistant come on stage the animation takes softness, depth and more three-dimensional rendering; this graphic expedient allowed us to express how the ComeTe assistance can improve the condition of patients.
ComeTe Website
November 2015